Sola Arjona
I teach you what you should do each day to improve your performance and health, and explain why. After being a professional cyclist, I have spent 10 years dedicated to sports training and health, and now I guide you with everything I have learned.
My goal: for you to achieve greater well-being and health so that you can maximize your performance. The body is capable of incredible things if you respect it and treat it as it needs.

How can I help you?
Learn everything you need about training and physiology to become a coach for athletes or to train yourself. The most rigorous yet practical training so you know what to do at any given moment.
I can guide you directly to help you achieve all your performance and health goals effectively, with continuous monitoring.
I resolve your doubts and issues regarding training, nutrition, and health through a CPS approach, analysis, and personalized recommendations for you.
Evolutive Performance is about the connection between the pursuit of holistic health that allows us to be functional and feel good in our daily lives by giving our body what our genes expect, and optimization for the tasks in which we need to excel in order to succeed: performance.

The Nature of Training
The best-selling book on training and cycling in 2022 and 2023 on Amazon.

The Nature of Training marks a new way of approaching sports training, by applying the latest science on Complex Systems to practice.
The most advanced master’s program on training, adaptation, and complex systems applied to endurance training.

About Me
I’ve competed in cycling for half of my life, and worked as a coach for the other half. Let me tell you more about what I’ve learned.